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Tarpon MANG Cobalt - Trucker

Tarpon MANG Cobalt - Trucker


Regular price $33 USD
Regular price Sale price $33 USD
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Inspired by the king.

When you buy this product you are planting a mangrove through our Buy One. Plant One. Initiative.

Why mangroves? 

  1. Act as a buffer between land and sea protecting the land against storm surges, boat wakes, and natural disasters.
  2. Hold sediment in place, preventing soil erosion and creating cleaner water ways.
  3. Provide habitat for all fish, crustacean, and bird species.
  4. #1 carbon sequestration tree in the world, locking down and providing carbon to our nearshore and offshore environments.
  5. Provide nutrients through falling of leaves & branches, also known as detritus. This is the start of the food web in our oceans.

Mangroves are a keystone species. Without mangroves, our coastal environments would suffer.

Product Features: 

  • Mesh Back/Snap Back
  • Curved Bill
  • Medium Structured Crown
  • Traditional Fit
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